Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Vote for the next leader

             Hello everybody, first let me introduce myself. Yes, Iam Tarindra Raditya Ranggawarman or used to be called Adit, I'm from XI Science 2. Wht I'm standing here right in front of you is because i'm candidated myself to be the next student council leader. As you know, why i want to candidate myself to be the next student council because i hav motivation from my deepest soul which is to candidate, contribute and responsible my self to this organisation. or school. there are 4 subjects i wanna tell you to convince you to choose me as the next leader. Those subjects are visions, missions, programs, and suggestions. So let's just get to the point.
              My Vissions are consist of several points such as developing the student's council better than before, increasing the total number of extracuriculer in our school and also to improve it. to higher level, building the character and the knowledge of students in our school and continue to mantain the good name of 3 SHS Bandung. In order to make real thevissions so i made missions.
               My missions are recover and control the facility of our environtment so this would be affected to the extracuriculer, make a lot of events for the students to build character, and controling the discipline of the students.
               My Programs are :
1. Hold an event called " Athena God" in purpose to improve skills and ability of students in sport subject
2. Hold the culture tour, which is a kind of holiday together with alll the friernds in the same graduate and the teacher
3. Extracuriculer event day! each of the extracuriculer will be allowed to be showed off in one day to make the members feel proud and brave

So at last my suggestions of becoming the next student's council leader is i need the contribution and participation of all of the students who involve in this part so i hope you all can help me to make it real together.!

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